What is Quantra?
A JSON API for QuantLib.
Quantra's main features include:
- Curve construction
- Bond pricing
- Option pricing
- Interest Rate Swap pricing
- Volatility surfaces
- Financial calendars and dates
Using the online API
To start using the API register and get an authorization token to use in your calls. Tokens expire after one hour. Log in and renew it once has expired.
Set your request authorization header with the token value.
Request example
Request example to price an option. cURL and Python examples.
curl -X POST \
https://api.quantra.io/optionPricing \
-H 'authorization: your_token_value' \
-d '{
"Option": {
"Style": "European",
"EuropeanOption": {
"Type": "Call",
"Underlying": 36,
"Strike": 40,
"Calendar": "TARGET",
"Maturity": "1999/05/17",
"Settlement": "1998/05/18",
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"RiskFreeRateTermStructure": "RiskFreeRateTermStructure",
"DividendYieldTermStructure": "DividendYieldTermStructure"
"Curves": [
"Id": "RiskFreeRateTermStructure",
"FlatTermStructure": {
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"Rate": 0.06,
"Date": "1999/05/15"
"Id": "DividendYieldTermStructure",
"FlatTermStructure": {
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"Rate": 0.06,
"Date": "1999/05/15"
"Pricing": {
"AsOfDate": "1999/05/14"
"VolTermStructure": {
"Volatility": 0.2,
"VolatilityType": "BlackConstantVol",
"Calendar": "TARGET",
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"Date": "1999/05/14"
import requests
url = "https://api.quantra.io/optionPricing"
payload = "{
"Option": {
"Style": "European",
"EuropeanOption": {
"Type": "Call",
"Underlying": 36,
"Strike": 40,
"Calendar": "TARGET",
"Maturity": "1999/05/17",
"Settlement": "1998/05/18",
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"RiskFreeRateTermStructure": "RiskFreeRateTermStructure",
"DividendYieldTermStructure": "DividendYieldTermStructure"
"Curves": [
"Id": "RiskFreeRateTermStructure",
"FlatTermStructure": {
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"Rate": 0.06,
"Date": "1999/05/15"
"Id": "DividendYieldTermStructure",
"FlatTermStructure": {
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"Rate": 0.06,
"Date": "1999/05/15"
"Pricing": {
"AsOfDate": "1999/05/14"
"VolTermStructure": {
"Volatility": 0.2,
"VolatilityType": "BlackConstantVol",
"Calendar": "TARGET",
"DayCounter": "ActualActual",
"Date": "1999/05/14"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'authorization': "your_token_value",
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
"message": {
"ThetaPerDay": -2.12926e-9,
"StrikeSensitivity": -2.9443e-9,
"Rho": 6.45326e-10,
"DividendRho": -6.47238e-10,
"Theta": -7.77179e-7,
"Gamma": 2.99843e-8,
"Vega": 6.38789e-8,
"Delta": 3.28114e-9,
"NPV": 3.48912e-10
"response": "ok"
Building quantra
Clone the repository from Github and create a Docker container or compile it from scratch.
A working example using quantra

The sourcode for this example is available at GitHub
Google Sheets scripts
Use some quantra functionalites from Google Sheets with these scripts. Follow the instructions here on how to use custom functions.
Built by Josep Rubio Pique.
Send an email to josep@datag.es if you need something and feel free to open an issue in github if you would like to see more features or something is wrong.